

QR code for 自然资源 Degree Interest Form

的 自然资源 program at WVC focuses on providing students with a foundational understanding of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, safe and accurate fieldwork and data collection techniques, as well as the social context of natural resources management. Hands-on learning experiences are prioritized and students are provided with opportunities to engage with science in unique ways, including both western scientific ways of knowing and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) / Indigenous ways of knowing. 毕业生 of the program will be prepared for a broad range of technical natural resources careers, including seasonal and full-time positions and will have transfer options available for more advanced studies in the field of natural resources (or related areas). 的 program was developed collaboratively with local natural resource agencies and organizations.


T在这里 are two pathways for students in the natural resources program – a technical, 林业-oriented pathway (called an AAS-T) and a transfer, holistically-oriented 路径(称为AAS-DTA子计划). Both prepare students for immediate employment and offer transfer options, but have unique aspects that should be considered prior 路径的选择.

Forestry-Focused 自然资源 AAS-T Degree

通路,称为AAS-T, is built upon the technical skills required for job preparation, with a component of transfer-eligible courses included. 学生 who complete this degree pathway will be prepared to go directly to work as a technician or similar level in natural resources, 特别是在林业领域.

学生 who complete this degree are also eligible to transfer into a Bachelor of 应用科学(BAS)课程*. Our degree is directly aligned with the Bachelor of Applied Science Forest 资源 Management (BAS-FRM) at Grays Harbor College, and graduates will be prepared to enter at the junior-level year of the BAS-FRM program with little or no additional coursework necessary. BAS-FRM是一个独特的学位 path for community and technical colleges 在华盛顿州. 该计划准备 students to engage professionally as foresters in public and private companies, conservation managers, wildland fire supervisors, and other natural resource professions and is an excellent option for individuals interested in advancement within the field of 林业. 点击 在这里 for more information on the BAS-FRM at Grays Harbor. 感兴趣的同学 option should contact the AAS-T 自然资源 advisor for more information.

*Related BAS degrees are offered at Grays Harbor (森林资源管理)、青河(自然资源-森林资源管理),以及斯卡吉特谷学院(环境保护). If you are interested in pursuing one of these degrees, work closely with a program advisor to develop an appropriately aligned course plan.


pathway, called an Associate of Applied Science Direct Transfer Agreement (AAS-DTA), is designed specifically to transfer with junior standing to universities 在华盛顿州. It fulfills most, if not all, general education requirements at accepting institutions, making it a popular choice for students planning to transfer to a university or those not interested in directly entering the 林业 field. 学生 who complete this pathway will have the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are foundational to the study of natural resources including areas of biology, ecology, 数学和沟通. 毕业生 are prepared for entry-level work in natural resources or to transfer with junior-level standing to a university. 学生感兴趣 in this option should contact the AAS-DTA 自然资源 advisor for more information.

Core program courses may have prerequisite requirements. 英语和数学课程 require qualifying assessment scores or acceptable preparatory coursework in these 主题. See course descriptions for details. 学生感兴趣 in either pathway should work closely with the program adviser on course selection and sequencing.

Michael Lesky, 自然资源 教师, Forestry-Focused AAS-T Advisor

Bobbi Johnson, 自然资源 教师, Curated DTA for 自然资源 Advisor

For more information about careers related to this field, go to 我的下一步行动 或者是 就业 安全 Department Web page (scroll through the alphabetical list by occupation, or type the name of an occupation into the search filter, such as forest/conservation techs, fish and game officers, 环境技术).
完整的 这份利息表 to learn more about the WVC 自然资源 program.